One Important Secret in ‘Far from the Tree’
Since I am on a YA fiction jag, I want to have a quick look at why National Book Award winning Far from the Tree by Robin Benway is so good. Happily, one important secret that makes this novel work … Continued
Three Elements of Great Writing: Bridge of Clay
This is round two of looking at Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak. In the last post, I looked at why it isn’t really a YA novel although it was marketed as one in the US. This time, I want … Continued
Parameters of the YA Novel: Is Bridge of Clay Still YA?
Bridge of Clay and YA Novels What are the parameters of the YA novel? Is Markus Zusak’s Bridge of Clay still YA? I asked myself this as I read this gorgeous novel. If you’re writing a novel that focuses on … Continued
Hope in the Mail: Writing Advice for Young Writers
Wendelin Van Draanen, author of Hope in the Mail: Reflections on Writing and Life, wrote one of my favorite YA novels, The Running Dream. (I wrote a review of The Running Dream here. Check it out–and check out the book!) … Continued
New Year’s Resolutions: More Everyday Inspiration
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly I found more everyday inspiration to help you stick to your New Year’s Resolutions. If you’ve lost inspiration to follow through, take a minute here. Last week I had some fun with products … Continued
New Year’s Resolutions: Still Inspired?
People don’t need to impress themselves. And how can they conquer and seize the day when what they really need is a nap and some vapor rub?
Inlandia Journal Live Today—Fall 2019
I hope you have the opportunity to peruse the work of these wonderful authors and artists.
Bunk, Hoaxes and Cultural Appropriation: Lessons for the Writer
When I realized the length of Kevin Young’s Bunk: The Rise of Hoaxes, Humbug, Plagiarists, Phonies, Post-Facts and Fake News, I decided I’d listen to it on audiobook. I’d read a positive review of it in the LA Times and … Continued
The Business of Writing: Jane Friedman, Kristen Lamb
In order to make connections with readers, a writer today needs to do a lot more than get an agent to believe in her work and pitch it to publishers.
Ignite Your Creative Process with Author Advice Books
I broke my toe recently and didn’t feel much like walking for a few days. To avoid wasting the down time, I decided to read several books I’d seen recommended for writers (some specifically for fiction writers) in a variety … Continued