Don’t Mistake Procrastination for Suspense
Make your novel engaging from page one. Start in the right place. If the first chapter can be cut without making the story unclear, cut it.
Make your novel engaging from page one. Start in the right place. If the first chapter can be cut without making the story unclear, cut it.
“I told my students all the time: writing fiction is an exercise in giving a shit—an exercise in finding out what you really care about.”
The book review star rating system is meaningless. The sole purpose of a book review is to inform the potential buyer about the contents of books. A good review allows that buyer to know if the book being reviewed is … Continued
Book Reviews and Sex Cults Lauren Hough was born into and grew up in the Children of God, a sex cult known to members as “the Family.” Hough’s abusive upbringing was my primary reason for wanting to read Leaving Isn’t … Continued
Meg Medina’s Burn, Baby, Burn is an example of A perfectly constructed YA novel. It’s great storytelling. This didn’t surprise me as I’d loved Medina’s Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass. I’d recommend Burn to any teen looking for … Continued
I’m guessing everyone is hunkering down to avoid getting or giving the new coronavirus to others. I’m wondering what people are doing to move beyond the usual writing routine. Whenever I read what writers say about their creative routine, it … Continued
Since I am on a YA fiction jag, I want to have a quick look at why National Book Award winning Far from the Tree by Robin Benway is so good. Happily, one important secret that makes this novel work … Continued
This is round two of looking at Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak. In the last post, I looked at why it isn’t really a YA novel although it was marketed as one in the US. This time, I want … Continued
Bridge of Clay and YA Novels What are the parameters of the YA novel? Is Markus Zusak’s Bridge of Clay still YA? I asked myself this as I read this gorgeous novel. If you’re writing a novel that focuses on … Continued
Wendelin Van Draanen, author of Hope in the Mail: Reflections on Writing and Life, wrote one of my favorite YA novels, The Running Dream. (I wrote a review of The Running Dream here. Check it out–and check out the book!) … Continued