Interview Gabrielle Prendergast: Sci-Fi, Setting, Music

Gabrielle Prendergast I interviewed Gabrielle Prendergast, children’s and YA author, recently. Her newest novel is Zero Repeat Forever, which is Book I of The Nahx Invasion. She teaches screenwriting and creative writing and has written for television, print, and online. She … Continued

Gratitude for Local Literary Events

I always think about giving thanks after Thanksgiving is over. That’s because before Thanksgiving, I’m getting ready for it. Afterward, I have no desire to shop, either in person or online. So, with leftovers packed in the fridge, I’ve always … Continued

Moby-Dick: The birth of the great white whale engenders thoughts about staging fiction

Today is the anniversary of the publication of Moby-Dick in 1851. So I was thinking about that novel when I happened to read Jane Friedman’s blog post “What Writers can Learn about Voice from Opera.” * While these two things … Continued

Why YA Fiction and Neal Shusterman

I attended the Writer’s’ Digest Novel Writers Conference in Pasadena, CA during the last weekend of October despite the fact that this meant I would miss two World Series games. (I live with a lifelong Dodger fanatic–it mattered.) The Writers … Continued

Teen Issue of the Inlandia Literary Journeys Journal!

  I’m so excited that I’m writing my first post on the day that the Inlandia Institute is announcing our first all-teen issue of Inlandia Literary Journeys, coming this spring. In a few days–November 1–the teen issue will open for submissions. Below … Continued