The Miseducation of Cameron Post: Literary Quality YA

The film The Miseducation of Cameron Post based on the  YA novel of the same name won the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Festival. I’m naive enough about the judgment of critics to think that this meant they would all … Continued

Tim Winton’s “Breath” as exemplary lyricism and storytelling

Because I am something of a media moron, I just found out that Tim Winton’s short novel Breath has been made into a movie directed by Simon Baker and was released on June 1. In an interview for FilmInk Magazine, … Continued

Stoking the Creative Fire: Fabric, Wool, Nature

Creative Fire Blocks As I discussed in my last post, I don’t think that there is any special condition we can label writer’s block; however, this year I have come to believe in ‘life block.’ Not only have I had … Continued

Lud-in-the-Mist: Would it be Published Today?

Lud-in-the-Mist is wonderful. Today, would an agent read past page one?  Last month, a book I’d never heard of found its way into my consciousness twice in one week. I’m not one to assign supernatural sources to serendipitous events (after … Continued