A Bowl Full of Jelly: Reflections on Grief

posted in: Literary Journals | 0

Image "Reluctant to Let Go" by Deb Farrell.

I’m very happy about today’s launch of The Longridge Review, which includes my piece “A Bowl Full of Jelly.”  The journal seeks pieces by adults that reflect on significant childhood experiences. Something they sought was reflection on the first significant experience of death. My piece is about my feelings on the death of my paternal grandmother. The timeline of my youth is condensed for the piece, but the events are things I really did. As weird, old ladyish, and nerdy as it sounds, I did needlepoint in my early teens in an effort to create something that would last. I made things for my sisters, parents, myself. Crazy.

I hope you’ll have a look at the Longridge Review. The featured artist, Deb Farrell, created wonderful pieces to accompany the essays. The image above is entitled “Reluctant to Let Go”and accompanies mine.